It’s no secret that cats are actually evil geniuses. We may think we’re in charge, but the truth is that they’re the one animal that actually owns us. Who knows why this is — maybe they’re just too independent or far more intelligent than we really give them credit for. Whatever the case may be, here are some telltale signs of cats being secret geniuses that any feline owner can relate to.
I Got You, Bro
Just like the hospital, the vet can be a scary place for cats. Many of them are put in separate cages to stop them from putting their evil brains together and hatching plans that would be centered around world domination.
Alone, cats are pretty easy to handle — but you get a pack of three or four of those furry monsters together and oh boy, you’ve got yourself a hairy situation. These two here are simply letting each other know that the plan is still on.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
These two cats were doing what cats do best — hunting for creatures smaller than themselves. Today was a moth, tomorrow it could be you. They realized that if they took up flanking positions on the chair, they could widen their perimeter to a full 360 degrees. We know, you thought cats were all fluffy and innocent. So did we…
Clearly, the one on the right has seen the moth emerge and is alerting his companion. We don’t think that moth has much longer…
Cat Flashbacks
It’s hard for us to imagine a scenario that would be traumatizing for a cat. After all, they’re so used to committing so many evil deeds in honor of the cat king who lives high up in the trees (and can’t get down). Yet there it is, clear as day, on this cat’s face.
It’s pretty evident that this kitty has seen and done some things. We’re sure if a person had done anything close to what he has, they wouldn’t ever be able to sleep again.
Strike a Pose
Aww, how cute, right? This little kitty is dancing to some classic ’70s disco tunes in his head and we’re all just so overwhelmed by his adorableness.
Well, guess what? While you were watching what you thought was a cat dancing, you’re now surrounded by an army of felines who are about to hold you hostage and use your house as their next forwarding base. That’s no dance move — it’s a sign to let the other kitties know to attack.
Up, Up and Away!
This might look like a cat who’s struggling to climb up a screen door, and we wouldn’t blame you for thinking that’s all it is. The fact of the matter though is that cats actually have an incredibly strict training regiment that would make even a ninja from Japan’s feudal age feel out of shape.
This cat was actually scurrying his way up the door quite easily but stopped once he noticed you looking. Don’t look away to grab your camera — it’s too late.
Preparing for the New Day
There’s a move in yoga where one does a sun salutation that’s meant to greet the day as you begin for a new one. That might be what you think this is right here but honestly, would you really be surprised at this point if we told you that you were wrong?
This is actually closer to the cat version of a Māori haka — a war dance that was common among the indigenous peoples of New Zealand, done just before entering battle.
Gotta Scratch That Itch
This is actually just a still from a video in which a cat makes a ferocious meow while standing next to his scratching post. The reason why we can’t show you the full video is due to the fact that it’s currently being studied by military scientists as they attempt to translate this cat’s yowl into something comprehensible.
They believe the cat is revealing some top-secret plan Unfortunately, though, cat language is far more evolved than the way humans speak so, we still don’t fully understand it.
Get Over Here You
These two can’t live without each other as can be seen in this adorable photo. But, that’s only because they’ve had a secret plan, which was about to be put into action until the cat on the left got cold feet.
The one on the right is attempting to instill some discipline into his comrade but it doesn’t seem to be working. Clearly, this duo will be planning something new tonight while you’re fast asleep.
Whiskers! You’re All Wet, Silly!
You might be giggling now, but we promise you that by the time you’re done reading this paragraph, Whiskers will have had the last laugh. These owners thought that they were doing their cat a favor by giving him a bath. In reality, though, they were just asking to be cursed by this kitty cat’s wrath.
Whiskers clearly has some plans of his own somewhere beneath all of that wet, matted fur. So, laugh while you can because this cat has officially lost all patience.
Something Isn’t Right Here
Not all cats are born evil — just the majority of them. Others, though, only become evil after enduring a betrayal of some sort, like with what happened here.
This cat believed that he was the apple of his owners’ eyes before they came back from the hospital carrying a tiny object that turned out to be just another human. Now, they will devote their time and attention to her, and ignore the cat. This thought is finally dawning on their now-permanently damaged kitty.
Wait for Me!
Every time a kitty falls in battle, they let out one last battle cry to their fellow kitties so that the world may forever remember his or her name.
This here is a rare moment of a warrior cat letting out one last meow before ascending to the heavens to rest with his ancestors in the Hall of Honor and Kitty Litter. His wail was probably loud enough to rattle the windows on several city blocks.
Ugh, I’m Just So Tired
This owner probably thought he was simply catching a super cute moment of his cat trying to get a belly rub while he was playing video games. That’s certainly what it looks like but there’s actually a far more sinister reason why this feline is just lying there.
In reality, she’s studying her enemy in battle to see what they may or may not do should she choose to attack. This kind of reconnaissance is exactly why cats are to always be feared.
Get Back You
See this face right here? You’re lucky that you’re just looking at a photo because if it were happening in real life, it would probably be the last thing you ever see. We’re not sure what these people did to anger this cat — oh wait, yes we are, and it was absolutely nothing!
This monster is simply evil like every other cat and just wants to exert his dominance on every land he sees including yours so, watch out!
Um, You Guys, Help Please?
Don’t fall for this trick because we’ve seen it a million times. A cat lays down behind a tire and pretends to just be some helpless creature until someone comes along to help it. The second they bend down to make sure that the kitty is okay — BAM! The cat attacks!
It’s a cruel trick, playing on the good nature of a human being, but there you have it. Cats only view empathy as a weakness to be exploited.
It’s a Bit Chilly Out
This cat was brought outside into the cold and as we can see, he’s not happy about it. He was originally laying inside, warm and content, but was then forced to come outside so he could be carried into the car. To go where you ask? The veterinarian.
So, ask yourself now — who’s truly the evil one? The dude that’s going to take his cat to the vet, or the kitty who will get revenge by tearing up this man’s work uniform?
Just Resting My Eyes
Much like possums, cats will also play dead if they feel like they’re in danger. This cat was busy watching the news shortly before his owner walked in — apparently, some kitties in Barcelona had launched phase one of their plan and this cat was hoping to get inspired by his furry feline compadres.
Rather than have his cover get blown by his owners if he were caught, though, he hurriedly turned off the television and pretended to fall asleep.
Don’t You Take Another Step!
Didn’t think cats were evil still? Well, does this photo perhaps change your mind? Did you know that back during the Gothic era of France, when they were building things like the Notre Dame Cathedral, cats were the original inspiration for gargoyles?
The French feared the cats who would roam the streets of Paris at night, and paid homage to their fearlessness by carving their likeness into their most treasured buildings. We’re sure that now, you’re starting to see the resemblance.
Oh My Goodness, You Got Ice Cream?
This cat is a big fan of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Then again, who could blame him? That stuff is delicious, especially the flavors with cookie dough chunks. That’s not what makes him evil, though. What makes this furry monster evil is the lengths that he’s willing to go to get his hands on that ice cream.
Hopefully, his owner knows better than to deny him a scoop, or else that cat is going to “accidentally” brush his tail under his nose.
Did You Forget About Someone?
This cat is usually an outside cat, and he prefers it that way. Having the independence to walk wherever he wants means that he can make plans and interact with whoever he wants without having to worry about humans interfering.
Unfortunately, he didn’t happen to notice the gray clouds overhead until it was too late. Even though it’s kind of his fault for not being more observant, you think he’s going to see it that way? Not a chance, friends.
Any Time Is Snack Time
Plotting evil plans burns a lot of calories, and sometimes cats need a midnight snack just like everyone else. This person opened up their pantry to discover that their cat was only moments away from diving into a bag of Doritos.
It’s good that his owner caught him in time. If she had waited any longer, this feline would have undoubtedly regained his strength and launched the next phase of his plan, which his owner definitely wouldn’t have liked.
Just Hanging Out Up Here
Imagine you were getting ready for bed and you looked up to suddenly see this little demon staring back at you. What would make this scenario even scarier is if you didn’t actually own a cat…
The reason cats are more active at night is because they know that we’re sleeping. With that, they spend those six to eight hours waiting and observing. It might be best for this kitty owner to go sleep somewhere else tonight.
Why I Oughta!
Someone clearly made a joke at this cat’s expense and guess what? This guy will never forget it. Do you see the way he’s just staring at the camera with that angry look on his face? That isn’t going away any time before revenge has fully been taken.
Got a favorite watch or piece of jewelry? That’s gone once this cat gets his tiny paws on it. Maybe next time, you’ll think twice before poking fun at your furry pal.
What Did I Do?
This cat has clearly seen something terrible happen and is unable to contain himself. Even cats have a limit to the amount of evil they’re willing to commit although granted, it’s much higher than what it would be for a person.
This cat is not about to forget what he just saw here today even though we hope that he does. After all, there’s always the chance that it will inspire him to commit even more wicked deeds in the future.
Yay! Bath Time
This person clearly got wind of her cat’s evil plans and is now punishing the kitty the best way she knows how — by giving her a bath. Cats hate baths almost as much as they despise going to the vet so, this is a pretty effective punishment.
After she has been thoroughly scrubbed, this woman is going to add a little extra humiliation to the kitty’s punishment by putting shimmery, pink bows in her hair so she looks like a precious, little princess.
I’m Just Playing, Jeez
Cats aren’t afraid to go after the young, and this one here is a shining example of that. Luckily his owner was there to stop the cat from doing some possible damage to this poor, innocent baby.
The cat knew that this tiny newborn is eventually going to grow into a person who may one day try and thwart the cat’s plans for world domination. To make sure that never happens, this cat was about to carry out a truly heartless mission.
Really? In the Bag Again?
This cat isn’t really one for being put in carrier bags, and the expression on his face pretty much says that loud and clear. What you don’t see in this photo though is the cat slowly sharpening his claws as he prepares to retaliate against the poor sucker that put him in there.
Cats live by a strict code of honor — one that would even make a Navy SEAL feel like a boy scout, and this furry guy isn’t letting his owner get away with this.
Do I Look Scary Yet?
This little kitten is practicing his best battle cry, one that will send his enemies running for the hills. He’s still young, though, and has a long way to go before he can proudly march in line with the many scorned cats that he will serve alongside.
Still, while he may be harmless now, the evil that lives inside of him will not be satisfied until he has caused some irreversible damage, like tearing down the new wallpaper in your home.
Get Back You Monster!
This person is trying to reason with her cat — to try and convince her that these plans of hers will only lead to more pain and destruction. As we can see, this cat isn’t totally convinced by her words, and plans to go ahead with her mission anyway.
We hope for all our sakes that this woman manages to get through to her tiny furry friend, but it’s more than likely that she will just end up running away to find a less suspicious owner.
You Talkin’ to Me?
This cat is a bit older than many of the other cats that we’ve seen on this list, and thus he has laid down his metaphorical sword in exchange for retirement where he may reflect on his accomplishments.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that he won’t stand up for himself if someone offends him. In this case, someone called him “cuddly” instead of “fearsome” as he prefers. They will come to regret their words once this cat shows him how “cuddly” he really is.
It’s the Real Snow Yeti
In the original Himalayan folklore, the Yeti is a large and fearsome monster that roams the mountains. Many believe the Yeti to be a large and ape-like creature but that’s only because this cat has tricked humans into thinking that way.
The reality is that the Yeti is much smaller and even more frightening than can be imagined. Don’t get too close — as you can see from the second photo, he’s not afraid of people at all.
Who Needs Gravity?
Cats have some powers that they’ve acquired over the years by sacrificing their feelings of love and empathy. They generally try and keep most of those skills a secret but every now and then, they get caught in the act and we can never look at them the same way again.
Take this cat, for instance. He can literally walk upside down without any problems at all. Next time you hear something on your ceiling, look up — it might just be your cat.
Taking a Kitchen Cat Nap
This cat doesn’t seem to care that we just went out and got a fresh roll of paper towels after we used the last five to clean up the mess that she made in the first place.
In fact, as far as she’s concerned, we just bought her a new bed for her to rest up and regain her strength. The cat may have won this battle, but just wait until we take away her mouse toy.
This Looks More Comfortable
The bed might be meant for this cat to have a cozier sleep, but he has the discipline and fortitude of a Viking warrior. With that being said, he isn’t going to let the comforts of modern life make him soft or weak.
He would rather curl up in this dustpan, knowing that it will make his body more suitable for enduring the many trials and difficulties of battle. Touché cat, you saw right through our plan to weaken you.
Wasn’t This Supposed to be My Seat?
This is such a beautifully captured moment that there’s no way anyone would ever think that this cat is evil, right? Wrong. Take a look at that cat’s paws and where they’re located. That’s right — they’re pressed right against this child’s neck as she prepares to assert her right to have the car seat all to herself.
These parents better act fast. Right now, they’re laughing at their silly cat, unaware that she’s not asleep but actually just very deep into a meditative trance.
Like Father, Like Son
As we can see, between cats, evil is a gene that is passed down from parent to kitten. This tiny one has already mastered his father’s sinful glare, warning his enemies of the possible fury that he’s willing to bring down on them.
There’s no telling what kind of creature this kitty is going to grow up to be, but we’re sure it’s not the kind of creature that we would want to have sitting around in our house.
Cat Dracula
Whenever you scrunch up your cat’s face and they are just putty in your hands, it’s easy for their teeth to protrude from their mouth. It certainly accentuates their fangs.
Moreover, if they are enjoying your head massages enough, there is a chance they will fall into some kind of trance and their eyes will roll back into their head. This is the moment when they start to look more like a vampire than a cute little kitty. Protect your neck, folks!
What Purrs Beneath
It is no secret that cats like to use virtually every space in the house to hide in. So if you are easily surprised and don’t want to get shocked every 10 minutes, we probably recommend not having such a big home with so many nooks and crannies.
Moreover, it is probably best not to have a bathtub. This is an ideal location for cats to jump into and hide out until it is finally time to pounce.
Summoning the Oven Demons
Have you ever walked in on your cat doing something that you have never seen them do before? It’s easy to assume that they weren’t aware that you were around and are performing some sort of ritual that they would rather keep a secret.
This person was completely confused when they saw their kitty jump onto the open door of their oven and start to raise their front legs as if they were connecting with cat spirits from another realm.
Mom, There’s a Monster Under the Carpet
Don’t you just love how cats’ eyes light up whenever they are in the dark? This is due to the tapetum lucidum, a special light-reflecting surface that allows felines to see really well in pitch black conditions.
It has helped them survive for so long and makes them killer predators. So don’t take offense by it if you see your cat’s penetrating eyes while they hide underneath a carpet, they are not trying to kill you.
You Shall Not Wash!
Our cats seem to get in the way at the worst possible moments. Maybe they want to sit on our bills while we try to organize them or we are sending an important e-mail and they decide it’s the best time to lie down on the keyboard.
And if you have a dishwasher, be prepared for your feline friend to jump in, preventing you from starting your latest load. Maybe she just wants to have a shower.
Santa Paws
Everyone knows that Christmas is a time for giving and a special period where most people lift up each other’s spirits and have a smile on their face. However, there are always a couple of party poopers who don’t know how to enjoy themselves around this time of the year.
There’s Ebenezer Scrooge, the Grinch and it seems like this ginger cat is the latest edition to that list. He did not like it in slightest when his owner put a Santa hat on his head.
It is no secret that cats will sit virtually anywhere that is flat and comfortable enough. If you are lying underneath a pillow, your kitty isn’t going to give two hoots if you end up suffocating underneath, they will trade your life for a comfy half an hour perched on top of that pillow.
Maybe they don’t realize that you are suffering below. At any rate, they have developed a reputation over the years for being inconsiderate creatures, whether they mean to be or not.
Dilated & Frustrated
It seems like every cat has a tendency to get extremely focused and pounce on you if the opportunity presents itself. It’s another survival mechanism that keeps them on their toes at all times. Whenever their pupils start to enlarge like this guy’s are, you know that your days are numbered.
This will shortly be followed by the gradual wiggling of the backside before finally, they jump and begin the pouncing ritual all over again. This is the kitty way.
Wakanda Forever!
Ever since the Marvel superhero Black Panther got transformed into an extremely successful blockbuster movie, cat owners around the world have decided to name their black cats or kittens T’Chala after the ruler of Wakanda.
Take this cat, for example, who looks just like the Black Panther, the way that they extend their claws and stare broodingly towards the camera. We wonder if these owners also have a cat by the name of Erik Killmonger. You know, T’Chala’s sworn enemy.
The Cars Have Eyes
Yes, we have already established that cats’ eyes glow in the dark as they have special surfaces on them. It’s not some kind of superpower. Nevertheless, it looks really cool. But what if you come across an entire colony of cats outside?
The sight of all these pairs of glowing eyes is enough to send shivers down your spine. And if you are trying to get into your car, it’s probably going to take you a few minutes before they all disperse.
Sorry, Did You Want More?
As we can see, this cat was not happy that she wasn’t offered a single slice before her owners dove into what they thought was “their” dinner.
Many cats demand an offering before they allow their owners to start eating, whether it just be a slice or the entire meal is completely up to how the cat is feeling that day. Since she wasn’t offered anything, she’s going to make sure to ruin her owner’s meal as punishment.
Whatever it Takes for a Drink
Could you do this if you needed water? You probably wouldn’t be able to but your cat definitely can and he wants you to know that no matter how difficult you try to make his life, he’s always going to get what he wants.
Judging from the way he’s staring at you, he’s clearly trying to prove his dominance. So, think about this image the next time you decide that you don’t want to give your cat a little piece of the chicken that you’re eating.
I Promise it Wasn’t Me
This cat has gotten into some sort of trouble, and he’s not afraid to hide it. In fact, it’s even worse because he’s waiting for you to find out what he did so that you’ll discover true fear.
This is the face of someone — or in this case, some cat — who knows that he did something terrible and is pretty proud of himself regardless. This is the true essence of a feline’s soul, and it’s why we both respect and fear them.
This Water Looks Better
This cat’s owners decided to leave her a bowl of water on the kitchen counter, which is easily accessible to her. But, as we can see, this kitty isn’t in the business of doing what she’s told, and would rather go straight to the faucet to get the water that she’s craving.
This accomplishes two goals — not only does it slowly cause her owners to run out of money as they spend it on things she doesn’t use or want but she also gets clean, untouched water.
Ready for the Stunt Show
As we can see here, cats are quite fearless. This one is more than willing to put its money where its mouth is and show its owners that it does not fear the impossible.
This isn’t meant to impress us — although it does — but rather to inspire awe and fear in us as we realize that cats will one day bring about our inevitable doom in order to rule the world themselves.