Whether you’re an avid reader or more of a person who puts books on display, having an organized bookshelf is crucial. After all, it’s often the center of the room! Not only will tidying up your bookshelf make the whole house more aesthetically pleasing, but it will also make it easier for you to find the novel you’re looking for quickly. Try these organization hacks to turn your library into something the authors themselves would be jealous of!
Start From Scratch
The first step is to clear your bookshelf altogether. Not only will this give you the opportunity to dust off the shelves, but it will enable you to go through your books and get rid of whatever isn’t serving you anymore. Professional organizer Millie Noar suggests, “If you’ve had a book for a while and never read it, peruse the synopsis again: If it doesn’t trigger immediate interest, consider giving it away.”
Create a System
Before you put all the books back, ask yourself how you’d like to organize them. You can place books on a bookshelf based on genre, color, alphabetical order, or whatever other method suits you. Naor recommends, “Think about if you want the bookshelves to be more decorative, practical, or a little bit of both. You want to have a vision.”
Add Other Items
If you don’t have enough books to fill an entire bookshelf, consider adding non-literary items to the display. Photos, trinkets, travel souvenirs, and sentimental pieces all make for excellent shelf fillers. Bonus points if you have decor items that relate to your books! As Naor points out, “If you’re organizing your cookbooks, you could use some vintage measuring cups. For an office bookshelf maybe some decorative office supplies.”
Try these tips for a perfectly organized bookshelf. Enjoy decorating and, of course, happy reading!